Thursday, March 15, 2012



Black-seeded Simpson Lettuce

·        When planting in rows, thin to 6" apart, in rows 12-18" apart. 

·        Water lightly after planting.

·        They also grow well in an outdoor container on your patio or deck. When it comes time to harvest, just step outside your door and snip as many leaves as you need.

·        Black Seeded Simpson lettuce likes cool weather and lots of moisture.

·        Grow lettuce plants in full sun in rich, well-drained soil.

·        Liquid fertilizer works well.

·        Weed once or twice early in their growth cycle. Without competing weeds, the plants will grow better, and it makes harvesting easier.

·        Plant successive crops for a constant supply Black Seeded Simpson lettuce.

·        Plant small sections in your garden very couple of weeks.

·        Pick Black Seeded Simpson lettuce as soon as it is big enough to use. We recommend harvesting with a clean, sharp scissors. The plant will re-grow. But, after a while, it's good to have a vigorous new patch to harvest.

·        Bunnies like all kinds of lettuce. Got bunnies!? Then, a rabbit fence is in your future.

·        Despite a short, fast growth cycle, a variety of insects like Black Seeded Simpson lettuce. We recommend you avoid any insecticides on leaf lettuces.

·        Slugs are a real problem for all types of lettuces. There are a variety of control methods.

·        Black Seeded Simpson lettuce grows quickly, and has a short life span.

·        Disease problems are few, except in wet weather.

·        In hot weather, they can get bitter, and they can rot.

·        Like other lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson lettuce thrives in cooler weather, with moderate moisture. It is not fond of mid-summer heat, or dry conditions.

·        Many gardeners will plant a crop for spring and early summer harvest, leaving the mid-summer months to the tomatoes and the corn. Then, as the late summer heat begins to wane, they plant a new lettuce crop for a fall harvest.

Arugula Rocket Lettuce/Green

·        Tender smooth leaves with robust, peppery flavor.
·        Cook mature leaves with other greens.
·        Ready to harvest in 35 days.
·        Grows best in cool weather.
·        Can also be grown as a fall crop.
·        Sow early in spring.
·        Protect from heat with shade cloth.
·        Likes fertile soil and ample water.
·        Thin plants 8" apart.
·        Grows best in full sun, will tolerate light shade.
·        Full Sun
·        Sowing Method: Direct Sow/Indoor Sow
·        Spread: 4 inches
·        Height: 12-14 inches


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